In the mood for some kinky sex.

kelly-lane seems like a sweet name for an imaginary woman. It is made up to promote a page that was originally created by "Date Safeguard" and tries to sell something called DATEGARD+ with this made up "Kelly" as bait. In the past this pattern of emails was a scam to trick you into signing up for an ~$45.00 a month type of porn site. Remember, all of the verification sites, even the ones you see advertized on TV, are just a load of crap and most of them are downright scams.

from: replyto:
to: you
subject: Re: dick sucker !! – w4m

Hello, , Sorry I took a while to respond. Been moving again. Just so you know before we start hooking up I'm not looking to commit to a relationship or nothing just looking to have sex with a safe guy. I'd prefer not to info out until I get to know you but I included a picture for you! Why don't you tell me what you have in mind for us to do? I'm Kelly by the way :) Sent using BlackBerry T-Mobile


to: you
subject: Re: dick sucker !! – w4m

Why dont you call me. Is that okay?

Emailing back infort is annoying lol. I use this site though that checks people out before you meet them. Go here and call me. I use it whenever I meet new guys through the net. Once a guy who I was suppose to meet up with once actually did it and it turned out he had 3 different domestic assualt charges.
After you verify you'll see my cell number under my profile. I'm free all night and this weekend if you're still interested in meeting up. In the mood for some kinky sex. Been 4 months for me. Please don't msg me back being an asshole. I really do hope to hear from you but if not no hard feelings.

These messages are simply junk email and can be deleted. We do not recommend that you do business with websites that are plugged via junk emails. Many of them are just cons or scams anyway. Try some legitimate adult dating casual sex sites instead.

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