This example ends up being a pitch for, we have see the same home page on several different domains in the past.There is a (c) at the bottom saying on the page that the email will send you to but other pages there are (c) The scammer probably just copy and pastes the pages when migrating from one domain to another and forgot to tidy up some loose ends.
from: Shelley Caudill
to: you
subject: RE: i''''ve got to have someone in me
I am pleased you enjoyed my post on craigs list. Just like I said in my ad I''m not looking to find a serious boyfriend, but having said that a woman has her needs.
I did not put a picture in my post, did not want any body to recognize me, therefor I''ve a photo at I also got my cellphone number on there if you want to send me a text.
I guess if you are interested I will be hearing from you.
These messages are simply junk email and can be deleted. We do not recommend that you do business with websites that are plugged via junk emails. Many of them are just cons or scams anyway. Try some legitimate adult dating casual sex sites instead.