Shelly, Stella, or whatever name, you want to give to this one, spews forth this promo for You can see her pic and ger her phone number right there where you can almost taste them. These remind us of some junk from amaturematch we have seen. there is a copyright blurb at the bottom for and, if you go there, you would see one stating but you can't find anywhere… Oh, did we forget to mention that there is no phone number or pictures belonging to a woman that want to meet you there? Well, there ya go…
from: Shelley Caudill
to: you
subject: you where interested in my CL ad
Hey there, yes I'm still trying to find a guy to have a good time with. I am without a doubt up for discovering if there is some chemistry. Might you like to have a bite to eat someday soon?
My clist post didnt include a pic, so heres one, On there with my pic is also cell number, so if your up for taking this further contact me. Stella
These messages are simply junk email and can be deleted. We do not recommend that you do business with websites that are plugged via junk emails. Many of them are just cons or scams anyway. Try some legitimate adult dating casual sex sites instead.
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Looking for a lady who enjoys to be massaged, as well as a warm wet tongue………