Categories: Filthy emails

Can you call me instead of this?

Have you ever heard of XXXLMoney or We ended up getting a link to them from a response to a personals dating ad by Kelly Lane. She seems to be afraid of the Boston clistkiller or some kind of sadistic rapist with a account. Do you buy all of that? Hmmm? Well, the "verification" scam is so common now a days that this is really not a surprise. That page that came up when we clicked on the link went to a page called DateGuard+ or Date Safeguard but it is just a fascade to trick horny guys into signing up to a paid porn site promoted by They run,,,,, and If you are getting a bill from these places on your credit card and don't kow why then you might have fell for one of those types of scams.

to: you
subject: Re: Re: Soloooooooooooooooooooo

Can you call me instead of this?

Tired of emailing back and forth lol. I use this site though that checks people out before you meet them. It checks people out for free because of the craigslist killing last year. Go here and call me. I use it whenever I meet new guys through the net. This one time a guy who I was planning to meet up with once actually did it and it turned out he had 3 different domestic assualt charges.
Once you verify you'll see my cell phone number under my profile. I'm free all night and this weekend if you're still interested in getting together. It's been a while since ive had sex and im really in the mood. Please don't email me back being rude. I really do hope to hear from you but if not then thats fine.

These messages are simply junk email and can be deleted. We do not recommend that you do business with websites that are plugged via junk emails. Many of them are just cons or scams anyway. Try some legitimate adult dating casual sex sites instead.

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  • Hi i am praveen from india i am so hot and sexy want to meet with sexy girls so please call me

  • I am so sick of sites that say they are free when really they are not. If a site doesn't let you communicate with anyone unless you pay then it is really not free at all (in fact). What good is putting up a profile if you can't do anything with it? I mean do this pigs that run these sites think that people are stupid? I say we pass legislation making it a capitol offense to put up a scam dating site. Then at half time during the super bowl, for instance, we could all enjoy watching these dirt bags get executed... only after a fair trial of corse. :-)

  • The "verification" sites are total BS. The so called, Craigslist Killer was a medical student. He would have easily passed any Verification site. Anybody who thinks that verification sites have any value has their head in their ass. The notion that one can accurately determine who is a potential killer through a "verification" site has to be one of the most absurd things on this planet! This whole field has about as much credibility as the Salem witch trials. All they could possibly be verifying is that a person has a drivers license (I guess). Most serial killers (who have not yet been identified) will have no problem verifying. Give me a break!

    It is well known, that the only reliable measure (or test) of a person's likelihood that they will commit a violent crime is whether or not they have committed acts of violence in the past - all of the investigators of violent crime, profilers, crime scene investigators, etc. they all agree, if you want to try to predict what a person is capable of in the future, you must look at their past.

    Here's the problem: the "red flag" acts of violence, or other sociopathic (or anti social) behaviors that you would be looking to discover, will not always be in a person's "record" in a way that is readily available or easily uncovered.

    By law, many of the "red flag" acts you would want to know about a person are excluded from a person's record, and essentially locked away where nobody may legally see them. The records / notes may even be destroyed as a matter of law, depending on how the information was collected. Often these "red flag" acts are divulged to a psychiatrist, or a clergy member, or an attorney, which triggers that person's right to the privilege of confidentiality (privacy). Anything said or confessed in the presents of a doctor, lawyer, or priest is not allowed to be publicized.

    It is possible to uncover hidden things in a person's past, but it is a very expensive and highly specialized process... Essentially private investigators must go and try to speak to every person possible they can find who has known the person under investigation; childhood friends, neighbors, teachers, coaches, classmates - everyone they can find, and then some, and try to determine what kinds of anti social acts they may have committed (if any). Hypothetically, suppose there was a guy named "Billy" who drove a yellow truck, and investigators wanted to determine if the guy might be psycho, but they had no strong evidence. They might use teams of people in the effort to get information. They could have a couple of agents go into the bar where Billy frequented and start talking about the guy. It would appear to just be random conversation..., "What ever happened to that guy with the yellow truck?", one agent might say in a voice loud enough for others to hear. The other agent sitting across the room (and not appearing to be with the first agent) could respond, from across the room, and say something completely false, such as, "My sister said a guy named Billy, in a yellow truck, pulled a knife on her and tried to rape her a couple months ago". The two agents would have this conversation pretending to be strangers to each other but really they would be doing this purposely so that others would hear what they were saying. Now, suppose somebody over hearing the conversation joined in and said, "When he was about 11 years old they caught him trying to kill the neighbors cat", or suppose someone said, "That guy tried to kill me once.", well, right there that would be the evidence needed to build a case further. If, on the other hand, whenever they tried to suggest that "Billy" is a psycho, if everyone defended the guy, "That doesn't sound like Billy, he wouldn't hurt a fly.", well that would tend to suggest that Billy may be alright... though it doesn't prove it. All this profiling stuff is nothing but speculation.

    The point is that it may take hundreds, even thousands of man hours to get a good idea of any particular individual's threshold for violence... even then, all you have is probabilities, likelihoods, etc.

    If you tried to get a job with the CIA, or the Secret Service, this is the level of scrutiny you would likely be put under. Consider a person in the Secret Service who advanced to a level where they would be guarding the President... I would imagine more than 1 million dollars is spent investigating every person who gets to that level. My estimate may be very low - it could be five or ten times that much. The point is, if you want a 99.99% guarantee that a person is "safe", it takes a very expensive investigation that is conducted by highly trained professionals. If a guy is a psycho, the very best investigators (the worlds best) will likely uncover some (telling) thing in the subjects past (maybe). At the same time, you can never have a 100% guarantee that any person is "safe" - there are people who, all of a sudden, out of the blue, snap one day, with little or no warning. This type of thing is very rare though.

    The point is that if you want to truly find out if somebody is going to try to kill you, or hurt you, or whatever, the only way to really get a feel for this is by conducting a very thorough and expensive professional investigation.

    Anyone who thinks these internet "verification" sites are doing any kind of worthy investigations, for a $50 fee, is sadly mistaken. All they are doing is checking to see if the payment goes through and maybe checking to see if the guy has a valid drivers license. They might also check to see if the person has any felony warrants, or if they are on any sex offender lists. All this could be done for free (by you) online just by having the guy scan in his drivers license and sending you a copy. The "verification" sites do nothing but charge the credit card and then pay out the commission fee to the scammers.

    Mentioning the Craigslist Killer as a reason to entice somebody to give their credit card to some bogus web site is a joke. Combine that with the sexy pictures the girls send out - they all look exactly like all the other scam emails. Young and beautiful girls don't send out naked (or half naked) photos to guys they've never met. Another indication that you have been contacted by scammers is the over use of "LOL" This has all the markings of a total scam.

    It bears repeating, your Craigslist Killer would have passed each and every one of these "verification sites" with flying colors. Therefore the so called "verification" sites are actually very dangerous indeed... if anybody is lulled into a belief that they've verified anything worthy about a person, then that is pretty foolish. The only thing that the "verification" sites verify is that the guy has $50. to burn.

    Scammers on Craigslist try to get people to go to third party web sites so that a commission fee will result. By the way, aren't this scammers who want people to verify putting the cart before the horse? I would think they might speak to the person (on the phone) before they ask the guy to go to a "verification" site?

    Here is what I write to suspected scammers:
    After we have spoken by phone to see if we're compatible, and if we decide that we want to meet, if you are still concerned about your safety, then at that time we can figure out a way for us to demonstrate to each other that we are legitimate and/or safe.

    I will meet you at the police station, and I will ask the officer at the front desk to run a copy of my record and I will let you take it as souvenir, if you want. Now that is what I call having some brass balls! Come to think of it we could even inform (the police), that we are likely going to go someplace and screw like horny monkeys for a few days, and if either one of us should turn up missing or dead, then the other one (of us) should be their prime suspect.

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