What is it like to fuck Karen Saunders, “sillyheart77”?

Should I tell people online what it is like to get laid with sillyheart77? What It feels like to be eaten out? I mean, is it ok to talk about those type of things? Well, it doesn't really matter because there is something you need to know. Yeah, read these emails and see if you can figure it out… Yeah, these emails are just fradulent attempts to get you to believe that there is a hot woman trying to hook up with you. She doesn't exist.  Leave a comment and tell us what you think about it.

from: karensaunders@aol-anon.com
to: you
subject: Re: Re: Your free video dating profiles

Hey there… Thank You for getting back to me. I'm Karen, 34, I'm a teachers assistant by occupation as I said, love kids, small animals and anything cute. I really am kind of nervous about meeting anyone online but here go's anyway. I'm a bit on the conservitive side but open and honest and well liked by those who know me….at least I think i am ..lol. Anyway, want to chat on the phone? Not that I'm into phone sex, I'm not, but I'd like to learn more if you are into what I'm into. I have questions as I'm sure you do so we will deal with them then, not through email alone thank you. Sorry about the aol mail before, but I am a little paranoid giving my real account out..


from: karensaunders34@aol-us.com
to: you
subject: Re: Re: Your free video dating profiles

I hope you understand some things, if not that's fine. I'm going to be meeting with a stranger, so I'm going to be safe as I can be. You will need to verify your identity. Yes it's free, you get my cell number, it's on there, not ready to give out the home number yet, I'm not giving my home number for obvious reasons. It asks for a credit card only to upgrade though, but it's safe, I use it. Here's the link. My user there is sillyheart77. Call me, I'm around. I'm home now. Gotta run out for a bit but I'll be back soon.


from: karen.dee.saunders@clistmail.com, kkarensaunders@myanonmail.com, karen.saunders@sncormail.com, kkarensaunders@myanonmail.com
to: you
subject: Re: Re: Your free video dating profiles

Ok well I guess if you dont feel comfortable doing the verification, thats fine… Its just I dont want to directly give you my number. . Its just I dont want to directly give you my number. We can message there for awhile. It's free, don't worry. My name there is "sillyheart77"

These messages are simply junk email and can be deleted. We do not recommend that you do business with websites that are plugged via junk emails. Many of them are just cons or scams anyway. Try some legitimate adult dating casual sex sites instead.


  1. becca29 says:

    I found it sorry it took a while. Hows ur night going. I’m glad to see you don’t mind kids i have two. My husband works out of town and get kinda lonly. I don’t know how allthis goes so get back to me and we’ll see where it goes

  2. IREDano says:

    KSaunders/ aka: sillyheart77 is a fraud. Thank you for the intel.

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