Maybe you are getting ready for a date with and want to know a little bit more before you stick your credit card into her. The link in the emails takes you to where you will see the first of two forms that will attempt to trick you into entering your credit card billing information. If you do then you will get monthly charges from several credit card billing companys for some porn sites that you never heard of. This type of thing is pretty common and is called the “verification scam”.
If you are tired of these types of tricks and just want to get laid then there are legitimate casual sex dating sites where real people meet for sexy fun. Trying to sort through a bunch of spam you get from the personals listings just takes time away from getting new booty. If you just want to find sey new friends and have fun then try the real places where everyone else is hanging out at.
from: Jenny
subject: Re: Friends > Dating > Relationship. Not NSA – w4m
Hi there.
Thanks for emailing me, I want to tell you just a little about
myself, My name is Jenny, I am not a playboy model or anything
but I am extremely open minded and consider myself appealing..I attached a pic, I hope you like it :) .. I drink occasionally,
I never smoke..try to keep fit. I am always up for getting crazy
and trying new things. I am not a slut but not hung up on how
others perceive me, I’m just searching for some long-term hook
up kind of thing.Well Im rambling, wanna hear some more about you and pics please :-)
Let me know if your still interested.
subject: Re: Friends > Dating > Relationship. Not NSA – w4m
Sounds like this will work :)
to be honest with you Im feeling both excited and a bit worried
at the same time…I’ve had a bad experience meeting someone
online about a month ago. Drama!I’m willing to give this a shot with you…I’m in the mood for
some fun just have to use my brain this time. Know what I mean?I use a free service now which is kind of
like facebook for adults. I like to use this because it lets you
call or text me without me giving out my real #. I don’t know you
all that well so this is much better for me.Some dude a month ago text messaged me like 100 times in one day
and was saying some really scary stuff. I’m sure your not like
that but I hope you can do this for me to make me feel safe.Ok I am getting off the computer and gonna jump in the shower.
You’re better off deleting these emails because they are just junk mail. It’s better not to click on links in scammy messages likes these. Many of them are just cons or scams anyway. If you want to get laid then try some legitimate casual sex sites where the real people are playing righ now.