Categories: Filthy emails

How hard can you fuck Christina Carter from

Christina Carter says that you were the best reply so far but does she say that to all the boys? Really, you already know but if you have any doubt, then we’ll let you in on the secret. There isn’t any “Christina” and if you enter your credit card info into the form from that is displayed at then you’ll get fucked but not the way you really want. You’ll get charges for, and; they won’t use any lube either so be careful.

These tricks and scams are pretty common in the personals section but there are legitimate casual sex dating sites where people are meeting for hookups right now. If you want to get laid and not have to spend all your time sorting through all these spams then try these places where it’s a heck of a lot easier.

from: Christina Carter
subject: Re: Put me to bed – w4m

Hey baby,

HI!! I’m a little shy about doing this but I open right UP if you get to know me ;) would you mind telling me if you are local and real first?

As for me, YES! I am local and real… I live alone, no kids, two dogs, 3 BD house and can host.

Let’s see if we are a compatible match first, tell me what your favorite sexual fantasy would be? Someone watching me get fucked is one of mine :)

Best Regards,


from: Christina Carter
subject: Re: Put me to bed – w4m

Well, I’m pretty convinced that you were the best reply I’ve had so far :) I think we are going to have a lot of fun together, before I jump the gun and send you my home address I need one more thing from you to make me feel secure about this.

Just go here create an account and shoot me a message on there, my username is my email. I will reply within 5 minutes. All the messages I get their go straight to my phone, anyways I look forward to talking to you soon baby!

Best Regards,

You’re better off deleting these emails because they are just junk mail. It’s better not to click on links in scammy messages likes these. Many of them are just cons or scams anyway. If you want to get laid then try some legitimate casual sex sites where the real people are playing righ now.


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