Chelsea Owens 94 is the new Carly Mink of craigslist casual encounters and she is hot. Hot like there is a lot of action around her but not so hot for a date. Sure there are pictures but those are just some model posing and Chelsea is just a made up name used by a scammer to send you tons of junk emails. There are several scams and tricks that this one uses and they are all things you really want to avoid. These tricks are pretty common on craigslist, backpages and other personals listings that you might want to use. Be careful, use your head and you will be ok.
If you want to get out of all that junk and just want to get laid then try some legitimate casual sex dating sites where there are plenty of people just like you that are hooking up right now. Here is a list of very good places where you don't have to worry about being scammed. Just relax, browse and get laid…
Excellent to get your reply. I’m genuine and totally serious about meeting up with somebody. I definitely don’t want to be in a relationship now, I just want to live in this moment and have a break from all of my built up emotional stress without participating in all the games that people play. I’m really open minded when it comes to looks I just need a guy who is chill and fun to be around that also knows how to be under the radar and fulfil me. You get yours but I also will need to get mine too. If that seems ok to you write back and we can try and hook up when i know you are as safe and serious as i am. Hope you like the pic
Sent From My iPad image03.jpg
from: Chelsea
subject: young lady looking for companionship – w4m
I know it sounds kind of paranoid but if you do this verification for me that xclusiveinvitation provides I’ll know you are real and safe to meetup with…I only work part-time so i’m around alot. I have nothing to gain by asking you this except it will make me feel safe, if you were a woman who has been through what I have you’d know the feeling. If you have a webcam we can video chat too as they have that inside, but really I just wanna make sure you pass the checks. If you want I will get topless on my cam for you during our chat as a welcome gift. Would that make you feel welcome? lol. I’ve been told I have very nice breasts alot of times….if that means anything.
Their verification page is
If you think I’m just being paranoid or you come up as an offender then I am going to be left all disappointed. Oh and that site also proves my age as they verify everyone including women. I doubt you were worried about that its just a little friendly assurance that I’m not jail bait as they say lol. I’m in my twenties. Also I’m getting real thirsty Im gonna make a blueberry smoothie will be away from the comp, but please give my cell a ring once you’ve been verified and your on my profile.
I attached a small picture to show you i am real. Sorry for the crappy picture my iPad takes!
Sent From My iPad
from: Chelsea
subject: sssss
im availiable this evening – if you wanna get together… oh about the credit card thing on that website, i joined up with it 5 months ago and ive never been charged. its an age verification. i don't think they can legally hold the number anyways. so you should give me a textif you want to get together for dinner. apart from that, i've plans for tomorrow but i won't be very busy after that.
My profile again is
truly yours,
Sent From My iPad
chelseaowens94 promoting and
from: Chelsea
subject: i have a lot of interests – w4m (westside-southbay )
if you really dont have a credit card you can use this one
this site required only your email to get into my profile.Im dreaming what we are going to do when we meet. My pussy really getting wet . Let’s enjoy tonight.
if you cant verify yourself on the sites i gave u , i dont really have anymore option to meet you sorry
Sent from my iPad
chelseaowens94 looks a lot like Carly Mink
You will be better off erasing these junk messages because they really are just junk mail. It's much better not to click on these links in scammy messages likes these. pretty much all of them are just cons or scams anyway. If you just want to get laid then try out some legitimate casual sex sites where the real people are playing right now.