Lots of guys want to know if Karen Dee Saunders is worth fucking or if there is a secret that they need to know before meeting her. Well, there is a secret for sure. She doesn’t exist and is a made up trick just to get you to click on a link. Don’t get suckered by this fake.
A lot of the sexual people on Craig’s list personals and places like backpages are fakes working to trick horny men and trick them out of lots of thier money. Rarely are any of them in fact are legitimate girls searching for guys to fuck. This is how it’s a good idea to have some other methods of finding hookups with the internet. We know of plenty of spam filled adult dating places everywhere are just tricks you would want to never click on. We know where the legit sex dating sites that are online. All the time we find more of these spammy profiles made on Clist personal ads plus lost of fresh spam filled hook up applications created on the internet. Stay away from that bunk what ever it takes and register with some of these genuine sexy websites and you’ll get laid a lot more.
from: kdsaunders@rocketmail1.com
subject: Re: Re: where to meet horny women online ang get thier phone numbers
Hey, so I’m 34, single, easy to please and get along with, a teachers assistant by occupation.
Anyway, here’s a pic. Maybe we can chat on the phone.
Oh, also, if you reply to me with hotmail or aol, I won’t get the message, my isp is filtering those accounts out for some dumb reason
sorry, I’ve complained but nothing has been done yet. Just to let you know.
sillyheart77-kar.jpg kdsaunders@rocketmail1.com, sillyheart77, Karen Dee Saunders
from: karens2002@aolanon.com
subject: Re: Re: where to meet horny women online ang get thier phone numbers
Ok, all things answered in time, I don’t invest too much in email conversations sorry.
If you want my number you can have it, I’ll be safe though.
verify here, my numbers there, sorry, just being safe. It’s quick and painless, thanks. Otherwise I wish you luck in your search.
amatch2.com or http://doiop.com/kkarens
I’m sillyheart77 there
Call me, I’m around. Sorry about the different email accounts, I’m just damn paranoid about spam, I know, I’m psycho….lol.
Anyway, I’m around now.
Those messages are simply spammy messages and can be trashed. We don’t that you click on pages that are plugged via trash emails. All of these mails turn out to be scams you know. Try this list of these top online dating places and you’ll have much better results.
karens2002@aolanon.com is still an active scam email address
Cool, thanks for the update on karens2002@aolanon.com.
Just had her contact me give me a number we talked sent me to that site and then no response. Used a different email though was teach1979@hushmail1.com she. Is definitely a fake avoid her just got me for 1$ thank goodness lol.
Yup i think its fake but i did get a phone number out of her and a text. after texting she texted me about an ex boyfriend and a new email adress that was just bogus. so here is her phone number:406-646-3835. have fun!
I took her for a scam almost immediately. Whoever it is, I’m researching them, and just for fun, seeing how long they’ll try and string me along.
Stopping in to let you know I’ve seen this. I’m intrigue!
Me to