Vanessa Jamieson prowls craigslist like a hungry kitty for horny guys with really big… Yeah, big credit cards. See, these type of spam emails are soooo common on craigslist that it makes the place hard to use.
Almost 98% of the erotic women on craigs list dating ads and places like backpages are criminals trying to con horny guys and trick them out of too much of thier cash. of the posts end up being real sexy ladies hunting a man. That’s why men know to also have other methods used for gettin women online. There’s tons of spam filled hookup sites on the internet that turn out to be total scams that you try to avoid. Smart guys know where the legit sex dating places can be found online. Just about everyday you see more of these spammy postings uploaded to Craigs org dating ads along with many fresh spam filled hook up web sites added on the internet. Stay away from those sorts of junk what ever it takes and only use some of these trusted dating sites and you’ll meet a lot more hotties.
from: Vanessa Jamieson
subject: sucking cock all night
Hey again, you sound pretty cool and im really intrerested in meeting up with u… im alone and would like to hang out. We can grab a drink and see how we connect. To get my number just go to …
you can send a msg (look up cutie22 when u log in) and also my phone number will be right on the first page. Its free to verify. they just verify to make sure you dont have a criminal history, you know a girl can never be too careful. If you are serious im waiting for your call.I attached a picture just for you :)
Vanessa Jamieson,,
These mails are simply spam emails and should be deleted. We don’t suggest that you go to websites that are pushed through trash emails. The vast majority of these mails turn out to be cons anyway. go see a list of the most trusted sexy hook up pages and you will meet a lot more horny females.