WARNING! It is extremely likely that you will see a profile of someone you know right here.

secret-sex-buddy.com, www.nymphdate.com, real-encounters.justforsluts.com, discreetmarried.com, find-a-fuck.net, get-laid.me, m.upforit.com, www.casual-local-sex.com, f-sluts.com, www.cheatinghousewife.com, hotgirlshookup.com, alicemiller.info, justforsluts.com, xhookbook.com, hookuprules.com, byn.justforsluts.com, getanaffair.com, www.upforit.com, www.redtube.com, f-sluts.com, dating.com-endstoday.net, fuckkonthe.net, safeandsecurecams.com, www.hislut.com, mydatingsite.net, www.fundealers.com, www.cheatinghousewife.org, fuckanygirls.com, justforsluts.com, score-me-tonight.com, www.freelifetimefuckbook.com, www.flirt.com, www.hookupaffair.com, real-encounters.justforsluts.com, www.shagaholic.com, exoinc.com, m.upforit.com, www.amissexy.com, www.cheatinghousewife.com, www.milfshookup.com, www.webcamclub.com, www.hookupaffair.com, www.justhookup.com, www.hookupaffair.com, www.xxxblackbook.com, bediscreet.com, www.upforit.com, f-sluts.com, www.cutehookup.com, www.gohookup.com, hornywife.com, www.c-date.no, www.milfshookup.com, www.benaughty.com,www.hookupaffair.com

There are a lot of really great places that are competing in the adult dating, casual hook up and married affrairs type of dating sites. There are some very good ones, many more that just suck and tons that are simply scams. Sometimes you search for the best sexual dating sites with horny womens’s phone numbers and you see many results but you know not to trust most of them. Other times you might be trolling craigslist for fresh booty but all you get is a bunch of spams that promote the worst of the worst. While there are some excelent places online to get laid, lets take a look at ane example of one of the more prevelant online dating scam campaings that has been going on for a while and still continues today.

These particular redirect sites use some fake buttons to pretend that they are asking you a few questions before showing you a link to the “real” site. Sometimes you see these as links in emails from personals ads or as links advertized on porn or picture sharing sites. You can do a google search and find all these domains with pages like this: secret-sex-buddy.com, www.nymphdate.com, real-encounters.justforsluts.com, discreetmarried.com, find-a-fuck.net, get-laid.me, m.upforit.com, www.casual-local-sex.com, f-sluts.com, www.cheatinghousewife.com, hotgirlshookup.com, alicemiller.info, justforsluts.com, xhookbook.com, hookuprules.com, byn.justforsluts.com, getanaffair.com, www.upforit.com, www.redtube.com, f-sluts.com, dating.com-endstoday.net, fuckkonthe.net, safeandsecurecams.com, www.hislut.com, mydatingsite.net, www.fundealers.com, www.cheatinghousewife.org, fuckanygirls.com, justforsluts.com and score-me-tonight.com. They typically start out like this:


We have 46 female members within 10 miles of your location
These women are ONLY looking for casual sexual encounters
You’re lucky, at the moment registration for men is open for another few seconds. All we ask from you is to answer 3 simple questions in order to see if you qualify for our exclusive website. Good luck!

getanaffair.com screen shot

Congratulations! You are eligible for our site!

Checking our database for matching profiles
Based on your answers, there are 9,371 female members near you
You are approved to signup
Please read our 3 rules now!
Before signing up you must agree to the following rules:
If you see someone you know, you are not allowed to publicize it! Do not spread rumors.
When having sex with one of our members, it is YOUR responsibility to protect yourself against STDs
Respect the sexual desires of others members. Our users are normal women, not prostitues or pornstars.
Failure to comply by these rules will result in the immediate termination of your account!
If you agree to all the above, click the “I Agree” button below to proceed to the registration page.

“I Agree”

All of these sites were found linked with the domains, mentions above, with this type of page: www.freelifetimefuckbook.com, www.flirt.com, www.hookupaffair.com, real-encounters.justforsluts.com, www.shagaholic.com, exoinc.com, m.upforit.com, www.amissexy.com, www.cheatinghousewife.com, www.milfshookup.com, www.webcamclub.com, www.hookupaffair.com, www.justhookup.com, www.hookupaffair.com, www.xxxblackbook.com, bediscreet.com, www.upforit.com, f-sluts.com, www.cutehookup.com, www.gohookup.com, hornywife.com, www.c-date.no, www.milfshookup.com, www.benaughty.com, dating-loves.com and www.hookupaffair.com

These kind of sites are full of scammers, spam and other junk that you don’t want to get messed up with. Don’t you do business with pages that are plugged via spammy messages and scammy links like that. Many of them are total tricks anyway. Instead of that garbage, try some most trusted sex hook up pages and you’ll have a lot more sex with really fun people.

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