We ended up recieving these emails:
- It gets the hose.
from: Nicole Lewis <lorileer0s9b@hotmail.com>
to: You
subject: Craigslist
read you post
from: Nicole Lewis <agustina53dhi@hotmail.com>
to: You
subject: Ur Ad on CL
Hi there, Just found your post.
Bad female here for a well hung guy!Message me
from: Nicole Lewis <ellabommz@hotmail.com>
to: You
subject: Hi there, about your ad on craigslist
read you post
from: Nicole Lewis <tristanq3kfa@hotmail.com>
to: You
subject: Hello there, about your ad on cl
Whats up, I need some great sex
from: Nicole Lewis <trudiej9mpq@hotmail.com>
to: You
subject: Hey there, CL
Hows things?
Sweet female available for a nice guy!Get back to me
Later we got these responses with the image attached:
from: Nicole Lewis <kalilake7746@yahoo.com>
reply-to: maryshel01168@gmail.com
to: you
subject: Re: Re: Hello there, about your ad on cl
Hey again, I am really interested in seeing you
Why dont you give me a call and we can arrange something.
Im sorry but I dont want to put my phone number on email, I dont really feel safe doign that.
Can you please make an account on matchprofiles.net and search my profile NicoleK5 I have my number and some more pics on there.
Im guna attach a naughty pic for you this time!Hope to hear from you!
That one links to http://matchprofiles.net/ but takes you to http://www3.amateurmatch.com
from: Nicole Lewis <otiliayanowitz9862@yahoo.com>
reply-to: thelmapo61347@gmail.com
to: you
subject: Re: Re: Craigslist
Fine, I understand if you dont feel like joining those dating sites.
I found a different place that we can use to connect. Go to mobinect.com and just put your number in there and they will connect us.
PS I have the same username on there.
That one links to http://mobinect.com/ but takes you to http://www.textndate.com/
I have the same problem, This person replies my every post any time of day, Therefore NOT A PERSON = SPAM BOT !
here is my phone number [phone number removed, posting my phone number wont help me find the girl that doesn’t exist…]
Please call me and we can meet. My number is [phone number removed]. Thanks.
Hey u answered my ad here is my number [.phone number removed] text me or call
Hi Nicole: This is in response to a message sent earlier and it has taken me a while to get back to you. Hope you are good on your end with the coming of the holiday season. It is a vacation for some and a rush for others. My yours bring smiles, good times and down time. I am not sure about where to from here if you are still interested in a massage as this is my focus. Do you want to meet and say hello in person or share information in messages? My cell phone is down for a period of time so this will need to be planned around n communications. My trip to Montana was good and time spent with my sons who are in college in Helena was the best. What I generally provide as a comfort allows with women I provide massage is: we have a potluck meal at my home, with candles, music, wine and good food. Dancing is a plus and if you want to hot tub this is good.
Time for massage is up to your level of comfort as the goal is to keep this win win and to build a friendship that works on both sides. Another item. A woman I provide massage to has mentioned several times to have another woman present and involved in providing massage. She is a professional and from Austrailia. There is no timeline here and I chose to mention this if there is interest. Tale care and let me know what works best in saying hello and we can work on items from there.
Again thanks for the pictures.
Fine, I understand if you dont feel like joining those dating sites.
I found a different place that we can use to connect. Go to mobinect.com and just put your number in there and they will connect us.
PS I have the same username on there.
Wow dude, you have NO game and you came all the way here and STILL don’t understand. Amazing.
HAHA awesome. You put way too much effort into that one.
hi sexe.
did u get my #?
Hey Nicole Lewis,I wanted to hook up with you pretty soon,you can call me at 202-390-xxxx….Let’s be real and meet up…
lets get together [phone number removed]
finally found this link write or somethingor call [phone number removed].
I have been thinking of you non stop. I think you and I would have a ton of fun together
ok so this is a littel differant what next
this is a littel differant ok so what next
so this is a little differant, so what next
so what next this is a little differant
this is a little differant so what next