Categories: Filthy emails, xdating in our online dating inbox.

Did you get an email from some people promoting as if they were giving away some free memberships? You want to know if is a scam or not beacuse of the emails you have recieved off of craigslist. There is something you should know about this type of thing. You have probably already guessed it, but this is just the same spam sent to lots of other guys that are horny and desperate. Yup, just a commercial in your email.

When you want someting better than the dating scams you find one craigslist then try these popular sex dating sites where everyone else is. You will get laid a lot more.

from: Best New Adults Only Dating Site Around
to: you
subject: Someone has sent you a dating site membership

Someone has sent you a dating site membership!
Go here to get your membership[your@email.address]

We are giving away DATING SITE memberships TODAY! But not to a regular dating site full of people that don't know what they want. Our singles know EXACTLY what they want!

If you are over 18 years of age, then we want to give you a membership to the best ADULT DATING SITE around! All of the members of this dating community want to meet up with new people for one night stands and threesomes! You have to check it out!

Press here to see how BEAUTIFUL the singles are that you can date this week:[your@email.address]

Now, we only have 197 memberships to give away. So if you DO NOT want to date beautiful singles in your city for intimate encounters then do not accept this membership that we want to give you.

If you DO want to have a LOT of fun with singles that are awesome to look at and even better to make love to, then take advantage of this membership right now.

Press here to join today:[your@email.address]

If you would like to not be contacted from us in the future please press on the link below:[your@email.address]

or write to:

6965 El Camino Real
Suite 105 – 698
La Costa, CA 92009

You will not get anymore of our emails if you go here:[some code]
and enter your email address ([your@email.address])

or write to:

6965 El Camino Real Suite 105-698
La Costa, CA 92009


We do not reccomend that you do business with websites that are plugged via junk emails. Many of them are just cons or scams that prey on lonely, desperate and very horny men. If you want something better than scams and want to find fuck budies that are really horny then try these places where you will be a lot happier.


View Comments

  • If you think you have found the fountain of horney women of all shapes and sizes and makes and ages. Guess again! I've checked out pretty much just about all the dating sites that I could find that cater to areas within 500 miles surrounding the Sacramento, Ca area and I have found that an average of about 90% of the women are "Bots" or "Phoney" and there just to lure you into buying a membership. At first as soon as you create your profile your getting hits from all sorts of awsome looking and extremely horny women and you pruchase a membership so you can answer the msgs you got from these "women" and all of a suden the either the msgs stop or you get no responses to the msgs you responed to or all you do get is responses but never actually meet a women or even talk to one. I'm sick of it my self. I myself whom have been told by many ladies including my very beautiful ex wife that I am a very good looking and handsome man have sined up to alot of these sites only because I really dont have the time for bars and the singles dating seen. And in 10 months I have only spoken on the phone to one of the hundreds of woman that sent msgs to me. And she was a total sure lay, in fact she was a wild lay. That percentage is up to 97% on some even worse sites. All I can say is watch who you pay closely. But believe me when I say this and if anyone and that includes any dating site owners, affiliates, etc. want to challenge my claims and or statements hit me up I welcome your bull because I have proof! Dates, times, phoney msgs, phoney emails leading to knowone etc. BRING IT ON!

    • Cool, you are learning more and more. There are millions of horny men our there that scammers are taking advantage of. It sucks but at the same time it presents a challenge to overcome and weeds out some of the competition for the real women. Once you are able to tell the difference between a bot and a real woman that you are on a higher play level than tons of other guys but, at the same time, you are also at another level of competition. Having been doing this for years, we can tell you that there are MANY women out there that want to get laid as much as the horny men out there do. They are assaulted by lots of messages from many guys and only have time to fuck a fraction of them. If you want to be one of those guys then you have to stand out from the crowd of people that are sending the messages to the women. When you learn how to do that then you will get it several times a week instead of once a year.

      Honestly, as a guy, how good looking you are isn't as important as you have convinced yourself. Got a party to go to, so got to cut this short, keep learning and you will find what you want.

    • Read your comments and I appreciate it. I recently joined "xdating". Found out it's based in Ireland(which I have nothing against). My strong impression is that it's a SCAM, similar to what you described. Please let me know if you know anything more about this site,and also--what is a "bot"? I'm debating whether to call my credit card co. and cancel my payment before it's too late to do that.
      Thank you so much for your help.

    • I appreciate your comments, and I think I've been scammed. Do you have any info. on"" ? I'm debating whether to call my credit card co., and cancel my payment.
      Thank you for any info. you can provide.

      • Bots,(robots) are just automated email systems that spam you with the emails that you received. see, there isn't a real person on the other end of the email address, just a automated response to send you the junk emails. Just delete the emails and don't give your CC# to places that don't have a good reputation like these legitimate places.

        • lance that x dating is a rip off bad yaa i got stung by those people too , XDATING.COM SUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!

    • bunch of bot women sent replies to inqiuries ,not one response ! nada ,its a total ripoff site attention evryone! automated server network is all i got! SCAM

  • Ok, is a rip off.

    I registered and right away I was 'Liked' by a bunch of women. I received message from One of them. So, I upgraded in order to communicate. I then wrote back to the One that wrote. Nothing. No reply. So, in the mean time I 'Liked' and sent maybe 50 messages to other women. I got ZERO replies. SUCKS !!!!

  • thankfully i figured out this site was a scam before i upgraded when i got the popup the initial search showed all these women in a major city near me then i created a profile and searched and they all magically changed to my township. this caught my attention right away and about 6 hours later i had messages from about 6 or 7 women (1 sent 3 within 2 days) so i searched the site some more and found some more things catch my attention girls that were suposedly 18 (my age) that were bartenders and recent college graduates which is kinda impossible you cant be a bartender at 18 because you have to be 21 to serve and i know you could be a college grad at 18 but its very rare and suspicious to suspicious for me to spend $30 to find out in my opinion hope these things help others from making the upgrading mistake.

    • HI AGAIN,if your interested in I wrote a short story there .TONY titled A 50 YEAR OLD MAN IN A 12 YEAR OLD BODY you will find it very different TONY

  • HI I wish I would have seen this first about is my story,I,m 75 year,s old and born with kallmanns syndrome,void of all male homones.After watching a lot these site I gave that one a try for free,I wasn,t excpecting the responce I got in 2 day,s 6 women wrote I couldn,t beleave it especialy after they read my profile.I first let them know that I don,t lie or play game,s I let them know of my problem with K S and looking for an understanding lady,if you want to read my profile it,s at xdating .com tonyisready,you will find it most interesting.
    So after writing to the 6 women I waited and waited for an email from them I wrote again and not one of them wrote back to first thought was a scam and now I know it is.I will now write the co.asking for my money returned.or I will write my Visa co.for a refund.
    I will write this to the CO.Affter 6 women wrote to me showing a great interest in me even after reading my pofile I had to join so I could write back to them again and latter wriing again not one wrote me back not one.I joined your site hoping for a big change in life at 75 instead I get a big disapointment in my life,I came here for help ,I wonder how many other live,s you did the same to other older people,SHAME,SHAME,SCAM SCAM ON YOU PEOPLE

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