I’m pretty excited right now, can’t wait to hook up :)

These type of “verification services” are ususaly just a fron to steal your credit card info to to sign you up to some very expensive pron sites for $50.00 a month. Be careful and DO NOT give these type of fake services your personal infomation, delete the fake email and move on.

from: sarah.riley@protectdater.com
to: you
subject: Adult causual encounter dating profile

Heyy again :P
Glad I heard back from you! I’m pretty excited right now, can’t wait to hook up :) Now like I said before, I’m not exactly all for this type of thing, but I wanted to try it out. I actually have a profile at www.verifydaters.com/sarah and I ask that you go there and complete the verification to show you’re real and safe, like I already have :). Sorry if that sounds like too much trouble, but it’ll only take a minute and I would like you to just get that done before we move forward. Once you complete it anyways you’ll have access to my full profile page with my phone number and address. Call my cell number instead of the home one in case I’m out so we can talk sooner :)
Just text me if you can’t get a hold of me, but you should be able to anyways…and then yea, my details are already there if you’d like me to host ;)

Btw, I put a nice little pic up there for you, hope you like it! Theres some better ones on my full profile too :)



from: Adele Deansworth adeledeansworth@yahoo.com

to: you
subject: Of your naughty personal ad

Hello there! :)

Cool, sounds wonderful! :) I am getting pretty tired of emailing these other guys anyway.. Let’s meet up at either my or your place, we play for a while and then go our seperate ways? If we get the itch again we can meet up for some more – but that’s all I am looking for.

Would you please hop on here – http://www.dsguard.info – and verify you’re not a murderer or anything.. It’s free, I joined nearly 3 months ago and I’ve never been charged. You don’t seem like the kind of guy that would do anything bad, but these days you can’t be too careful you know? Just wanna make sure we both have safe fun :)

Once you get verified you’ll see my cell # :) Would you please call/txt me then so we can agree on when to meet? I’m thinking tomorrow would be perfect to have some fun, though I wouldn’t complain about right now either :D

Oh and I live downtown :) Looking forward to hearing from you, here’s a few more photos..

ttyl Adele :)

These messages are simply junk email and can be deleted. We do not recommend that you do business with websites that are plugged via junk emails. Many of them are just cons or scams anyway. Try some legitimate adult dating casual sex sites instead.


  1. rickc says:

    hi there

  2. GoodRod4u says:

    Want to meet!

    • JC says:

      This is what I wrote back to Sarah:

      Dear Sarah,
      Sorry it came to this, but you didn’t really think that I was so dumb as to fall for this”verification website”, or did you??
      It’s a pity that you are a scammer, I quite fancied the idea of being sucked dry by you… Yet, there’s plenty of fish in the sea, and I’m certainly not needy, nor stupid for the record, and I can smell a scammer from miles away.
      I don’t suppose I shall be hearing from you again, but I promise not to cry…!!!

      Thanks for confirming my doubts: very useful indeed!!

  3. chow says:

    Heyy :)
    Thanks for replying to my ad! Well, let me tell you a bit about myself…I’m young, I’m outgoing, I like to have fun, and sometimes I’m told that I’m cute lol. I attached my pic, so you can be the judge ;). To be honest I normally don’t have much of a hard time hooking up with men, but I’m new to the area so I don’t really know anyone yet and I’m not into the “bar scene” when I’m not with a group of my girl friends. I’m ready to just hook up with someone and have some fun, so I hope you’re looking for the same. At the same time, I’m kinda afraid of this type of hookup online though. A friend of mine said she tried it before and ended up with a crazy dude who never left her alone :/. Not trying to throw you off though, I definitely want to try this, I just wanna make sure you’re real and serious before we actually get together :). Hopefully you still wanna hook up, so yea just send me an email back and we can work things out.

    Looking forward to hearing from you :D


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